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The Missing is Writers Who Run interview—and many thanks to Read and Run Tours and the Malissa Rodenburg for that.

· The Missing,Malissa Rodenburg,Writers Who Run,Read and Run Tours,Allison Yates
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More specifically, The Missing is "Writers Who Run: An Interview with Ben Tanzer, Author of The Missing,” which you may read here. You may also read some excerpt below. Cool? Quite so, I'd say.


How does running affect your writing? Are you thinking about your stories while you’re running or does running serve as a space to cleanse your mind?

Can we say both? Both and, and, and, and. I've been writing about half as long as I've been running. I don't think I understood what running was to me when I was younger. But it was definitely more of a palate cleanser.

As I started writing, I was like, oh, running really allows you to slough off all the stuff — stuff meaning the day, the fights you get into, the tensions, the deadlines you miss, or the deadlines you meet, whatever it is. It has immensely benefited the writing.

I wrote a book, [“Orphans”], my one foray into science fiction. I had this idea that I wanted to write something sort of like Willy Loman inspired, you know. I wanted to write about someone in a situation that involved work and the conflict between work and family. I had this idea, I couldn’t quite tease it out. And then I went for a really late run along the lakefront [in Chicago], and I looked up and I started thinking about “The Martian Chronicles,” one of the books I was obsessed with as a kid. I thought, wow, could you write “Death of a Salesman” meets “Martian Chronicles.” And that’s why it became a science fiction book, not because I wanted to write science fiction. But I was looking up into the sky and I thought, what if this guy sells real estate on Mars?

So that's how it works for me. I don't even intend it. But since I do both, they play off each other nonstop.

I’ve heard you mention in other interviews, too, that you hope running plays a part in the longevity of your writing career.

That’s come to me later in life. I was always conscious of taking care of myself. That always seemed invaluable. Then I got older and it seemed like it had double meaning. Like, yeah, you should, and maybe you'll not just extend your life, which would be great, but it would be a better life. But I realized, especially as I started teaching more and talking to more writers and this book was coming out, “The Missing,” I thought, “oh, you’re actually more effective as a writer when you’re taking better care of yourself.”

So, less drinking, more sleeping, running, all of these things make you have a more sound mind and body. And I have a million things where I'm not sound. I have arthritis. I started losing my hearing a couple years ago, which came out of nowhere. So, I'm not an awesome physical specimen. I would love to be. But I'm focused on every day being as good as it can be.

Now I also realize, if it doesn't make me a better writer, it certainly elevates the practice. And I'm very interested in the practice of it.