This is the new home for This Podcast Will Change Your Life (which can be also be found on Spotify, Stitcher, Apple Podcasts and all places the podcasts you love reside). I launched the show in February 2010 and here we are 200 + episodes later still talking to the authors (primarily, it's a love affair, yo), thought leaders and change makers I, well, love. I hope you will find the time to hit the back catalog, it rocks, follow the show, share it, hype it and rate it, when and where you deem appropriate. I also plan to re-post some of the recent shows and posts where they first appeared here on the new site. So please do keep an eye out for those. In the interim, however, please check out the newest episode of This Podcast Will Change Your Life, in which which I get to talk to the Shifra Malka about her memoir Dare to Matter: Lessons in Living a Large Life (full disclosure, I was honored to provide story edits for this wonderful debut), as well as, healing, unknowns, Judaism, Orthodox and otherwise, family, money, the page owning you, and not you owning the page, food, birth, self, and the building, growing and developing thereof, mattering, enoughness, which I also quite love, and much, much more. So, please do This Podcast Will Change Your Life, because it will most definitely do that.