I have a long running love affair with the work of The Montana Institute (TMI) and I'm honored to support their efforts to repurpose, revitalize and refresh their social media pages. You can learn a lot more about what they're doing (and thinking) on their blog here, though I also want to share the below with you. In addition, I want to point out that starting today, TMI is launching a "30 Days of The Positive’ campaign, outlining the positive and showing that the positive exists and is real," and I'm really excited about this too. So, please let me know if you have any questions and please do share this very cool work across your social media platforms as well.
What are our Intentions?
We plan to launch right into a ‘30 Days of The Positive’ campaign, outlining the positive and showing that the positive exists and is real. Our campaign is going to follow the same effective communications guidelines that we have been teaching for years now.
Following the Spirit-Science-Action-Return model, we connect with the Spirit or “the why” of our work by:
Following data and Science proven methods and in taking Action based on the current needs of our social media campaign.
Testing our content using survey analysis.
Posting our content on a regular basis with the intent to outline the positive in our communities.
Entering into the Return of our work following the campaign, coming back into a contemplative space and reflecting on what did and did not work.
Learning and adjusting our action steps in the future for desired results.
We will then enter back into the Spirit-Science-Action-Return cycle to continue the method for positive norms communication.
What Can You Do to Help?
Some Action steps you can take right now to help bring positive change into your communities is by following our social media platforms on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and LinkedIn to stay tuned into what we are doing with our social media campaign We also ask that you share our content whenever you see something that resonates with your message so that others can begin to learn powerful ways to create change in their own communities.
We would also love to hear some of your ideas and stories and would be happy to share your content on our social pages as well. If you would like to send us content for use, go ahead and Direct Message us on any of our social media pages or email me, the social media coordinator, using the following email: Chris@montanainstitute.com.